Crosarola Winery in Fumane in Valpolicella land of Amarone, Recioto, Ripasso, Valpolicella Superiore
The subtle balance between innovation and tradition
We are a young but highly experienced winery. It may seem like a paradox, and it is not. Our experience is called Sebastiano Righetti. It is he who twenty years ago conceived, wanted, and built Cantina Crosarola after having worked for years in the world of wine and having matured not only competence and preparation but above all a clear vision on how his Valpolicella should have been: natural, typical and of quality. And the awards won over the years prove that he was right.
From the land to the vineyard
La nostra storia inizia ai primi del Novecento all’epoca dei bisnonni di Sebastiano, proprietari e agricoltori di ampi terreni a Casterna, storico borgo in piena Valpolicella Classica. Passa il tempo, si susseguono le generazioni, fino a quando nel 2000 Sebastiano, perito agrario, ritrovatosi erede di una parte di quegli antichi fondi, decide di perpetuare la tradizione agricola e vitivinicola di famiglia ma di farlo in modo nuovo. Mette così a frutto quanto ha imparato lavorando nelle cantine piccole e grandi della zona, fonda Cantina Crosarola e inizia a produrre il suo vino di uve provenienti da vitigni autoctoni (Corvina, Corvinone, Molinara, Rondinella, Dindarella), maturate in collina su viti innovate quasi totalmente negli ultimi due decenni, baciate dal sole e curate con passione autentica e in linea con le tradizioni locali.
Working with passion
At the Crosarola winery, we only harvest by hand: the terraces and the typical pergola cultivation do not allow us to use the machines. The selection, which takes place under Sebastiano’s expert eye, is done directly on the pitch and the best matches become the raw material for the top of our range: Amarone and Amarone Riserva. And it is always Sebastiano who decides the taste that our wine must have: he does so by relying on professional oenologists for the technical aspects, but always reserving the task of giving a personal connotation, an autograph signature to all the products that must, first of all, reflect the typicality and therefore the territory.
We believe in nature
For us, sustainability rhymes with respect for nature, a respect that ranges from the responsible use of glass for bottles (lighter, less impactful) to that of corks, strictly made of cork. We have also adhered to the RRR Protocol – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – a voluntary product certification for Valpolicella, which pushes to rationalize the agronomic techniques relating to fertilization, use of water, and defense against diseases and parasites of the vine and grapes, so we aim to minimize chemical interventions.