The bouquet is broad, with a clear balsamic note of incense and violet candies. Blond tobacco, leather, glazed notes in a dense texture that is articulated between blood or ferrous scents and dried fruit including sultanas and orange peel. In evolution in the glass there is also a spicy note of black pepper and clean Tabasco.
In the mouth it is soft and warm with a great enveloping impact even if the sensation of freshness remains present. The flavor reveals the clayey limestone growing soil of the vines precisely that gives a nice persistence with a velvet finish.
Sommelier’s notes: a Ripasso of the peasant tradition of the territory, it presents itself as an unconventional outsider with personality.
Food pairing: Medium-aged cheeses from the Lessini Mountains, Monte Veronese dop, Cimbro dop; Bigoli al Cimbro; Verona Radicchio flan
IWSC 2017 silver
Mundus 2017 silver
Falstaff 2016 90 points
Mundus vini 2016 silver
Decanter 2016 bronze
Verona wine top 2014 selezione
Decanter 2013 commended